We The People

We The People

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 26, 2012
It Makes Me Wonder
By Tammy Derouin
I was in a waiting room recently, equipped with several televisions.  It struck me that nothing of substance was on any of the channels.  Even the televisions with network “news” programs weren’t talking about anything of real importance.  Our embassies are on fire!  Al-Quada replaced the American flag with their flag!  Americans are dying and the White House can’t get its story straight. 
It makes me wonder how the people of this nation are going to feel when they discover the news agencies have either been lying to them or just never informed them.  There are good examples in history as to what happens but history isn’t being taught anymore.  There are still some people in the media that want to report the real news but even they tread lightly.  They are called racists, conspiracy theorists, wacko’s and the list goes on.  The proof can be right in front of them but they deny it.  Recently, the host of an MSNBC show refused to run a video of Obama stating that he was for redistribution of wealth.  The reason, it hadn’t been verified.   He was on a video speaking and she couldn’t confirm it?  The sad and confusing fact, America is buying it. 
It makes me wonder how people will feel when they realize just how bad things really are.  They won’t blame themselves for being uninformed but you can bet they will blame something or someone.  The press has failed us and will be blamed.  The news was a fact finding business.  They are supposed to report the facts and let them fall where they may.  The media isn’t supposed to take sides; they aren’t supposed to have an agenda. 
It makes me wonder how long it will take before people realize the game has changed.  Romney is getting slammed against the wall for telling the truth and stating facts.  There was a time when the media went after the person who lied, covered up facts, consorted with our enemies and tried to cripple the American way of life. For some reason they now embrace such a person. Romney is being condemned and told he is out of touch because he gave accurate information.   Correction, he underestimated.  It’s 49 percent of Americans are dependent upon government assistance not 47 percent.
It makes me wonder how people will feel when they discover that the Federal Reserve is destroying our currency.  The fed is now in QE3 and this time there is no limit.  Quantitative Easing is the nice way of stating that the Federal Reserve is printing or digitalizing the American currency.  This time there is no limit.  Think of it like an Obama stimulus package with no end. 
It makes me wonder how people will feel when they realize the government is building a storage unit in Nevada for collecting data.  It’s five times larger than the Capital Building and will store every phone conversation, email and electronic transaction of any kind. 
It makes me wonder how people will feel when they realize that the Muslim Brotherhood has been invited into the White House.  The Muslim Brotherhood has been embraced by this administration.  Sharia Law has been upheld in many courtrooms across America. 
It makes me wonder why people accept gas prices at $4 a gallon but $1.85 under George Bush was criminal.
It makes me wonder why, after almost four years of failed policies, Obama is being considered for a second term.  He said he would cut our debt in half.  It’s gone up 51 percent, from $10.6 trillion to $16 trillion in less than four years.  The U.S. went from being in first place for global competiveness four years ago to seventh place.  If you hired someone to work for you and they not only didn’t do the job but left your business in worse shape than before they arrived, would you seriously consider keeping them on so they could continue to cripple you?
It makes me wonder if people will ever cry foul when the Obama campaign allows our flag to be disrespected, repeatedly.  Obama’s image has been placed in the blue field, eliminating the stars.  The flag was left on the ground at a rally.  The Obama campaign has once again removed our stars and replaced them with his “forward” logo. 
It makes me wonder why people can’t see that Obama has been tearing our country apart.  Eventually, people may open their eyes.  I just hope it’s before our country and our flag have changed forever. 
It makes me wonder when people will realize President Obama did exactly what he said he would do, fundamentally transform America.  This time around we know what he means.
“Being president doesn’t change who you are – it reveals who you are.”
Michelle Obama

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