Supreme Instigator
By Tammy Derouin
Our society has been ignoring their gut feelings. We began to make excuses and tried to
rationalize what was happening to us.
Maybe it was because we couldn’t handle the fact that we were being
targeted and abused by our very own government.
The people we elected turned against us. Much like being in an abusive
relationship, we ignored the signs, covered up what we did see and then made
excuses for what we were seeing and could not hide.
It can take time to come to terms with the facts, especially
when a trust has been broken. It’s difficult to admit that someone you thought
had your best interest in mind actually used his power to undermine your
independence and possibly your existence. If you are a survivor, you come to terms with
reality and then you do something about it.
But until we, as a nation, are ready to admit we have a problem, life is
only going to get worse.
We have become too accustomed to the overreach of power by
the executive. We now fear him and the oppressive
government we have allowed him to put into place. We have yet to learn that ignoring his
actions will not make them go away. We
should be learning that ignoring such overreaches only makes him stronger. Many have become targets because they speak
out against his actions or work to prevent his party from staying in power.
I’d love to see a newspaper devote its entire front page to
the scandals and abuses of this administration, on a daily basis. The front page would look like a puzzle. A puzzle makes sense once all the pieces are
connected. But, would the front page be
enough? An additional section could be
called the Mystery Piece Page, for those inevitable pieces of the puzzle that
get lost. Eventually, they are found and the puzzle begins to make more sense. Mystery
Pieces would help answer why events are created by the Supreme Instigator. Why does he stir the pot in an attempt to
cause problems?
All the answers would come together, whether he’s working
the global stage, the national stage or showing off his expertise at pot
stirring at the local level. All events
cause the United States to become weaker, lowers our defenses and cause turmoil
among the citizens.
So, there’s the reason the main stream media will not devote
any serious space or time to covering the scandalous, traitorous behavior of
the current administration/regime. This
is why it is important for any power hungry individual or party to take control
of the press. This is why information,
speech, personal protection devices and your movement becomes limited and ultimately
controlled by the government. You are
informed it’s for your safety. The party
will do everything in their power to convince you that you are not able to
think or act on your own behalf. They
will take advantage of any circumstance to persuade you that they know best.
The government fears individuals who think for themselves. Our Bill of Rights is in place for a
reason. The Founders knew that one day man
would attempt to control the citizens of the United States of America. They also knew, as they stated it in The
Declaration of Independence, “…and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right
themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” Enslavement breeds enslavement. It’s easier to adjust than it is to stand up
and fight.
The executive is doing exactly what he set out to do,
fundamentally transform America. How
long are we going to pretend we do not see what he is doing? How long are we going to make excuses because
we can’t come to terms with his destructive behavior? How long are we going to allow ourselves to
be shackled and guided by those who wish to destroy us?
We do not need a revolution.
We need to enforce the law of the land, our Constitution. Blood has already been shed for its establishment. Every generation since our founding has continued
to sacrifice defending liberty. It’s up
to us. Will we stand strong or will we
let the United States fall?
“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a
history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”
The Declaration of Independence
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