We The People

We The People

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

CNN runs report calling Trump supporters who label US a 'republic' a threat to democracy | Blaze Media

CNN runs report calling Trump supporters who label US a 'republic' a threat to democracy | Blaze Media

"Yeah, we’re a constitutional republic. Sure, it’s a democratic form of government. But calling it a 'democracy' ignores important, constitutional limitations—put in place by our founders—designed to keep democratic impulses in check. That’s the whole point of the Constitution," Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said in response to the report.

"How does CNN explain the Battle hymn of The REPUBLIC? Or the line: 'And to the REPUBLIC which it stands' in our pledge. Democracy is only a PART of the Republic. We have one man, one vote (democracy) to elect our REPRESENTATIVES, They Represent us to enact laws through the CONSTITUTION which they all swear to PROTECT AND DEFEND. Why does the left seem to only care about ‘democracy’. Yes, it is important, but with out the rest of it, democracy becomes mob rule," Glenn Beck noted.

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