We The People

We The People

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Supreme Court Deals Biggest Blow in 80 Years to Administrative State

Supreme Court Deals Biggest Blow in 80 Years to Administrative State

The APA “specifies that courts, not agencies, will decide all relevant questions of law arising on review of agency action—even those involving ambiguous laws—and set aside any such action inconsistent with the law as they interpret it.” Roberts continued. “And it prescribes no deferential standard for courts to employ in answering those legal questions.”

Republicans Demand Audits for 'Astonishing Level' of Potential Obamacare Enrollment Fraud

Republicans Demand Audits for 'Astonishing Level' of Potential Obamacare Enrollment Fraud

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO), and Energy and Commerce Committee Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) called on government watchdogs, such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the inspector general at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to investigate an “astonishing level” of potential Obamacare enrollment fraud, citing a report from the Paragon Health Institute.

The Question Left on Everyone's Mind After Debate Might Be the Most Important One in US History

The Question Left on Everyone's Mind After Debate Might Be the Most Important One in US History

One of the more viral moments came when Biden spouted gibberish to which Trump appropriately responded, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

Gold Star families slam Biden over debate claim no US troops died during his administration | Blaze Media

Gold Star families slam Biden over debate claim no US troops died during his administration | Blaze Media

Gold Star families are furious over a lie President Joe Biden delivered during Thursday's presidential debate. Biden lied when he proclaimed that no U.S. troops had died under his watch as president – a lie that has caused families of the slain soldiers to be "'beyond ticked off" and feel "disrespected."

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Explosive study removed by Lancet, now public: 74% of deaths directly tied to COVID jab | WND | by Around the Web

Explosive study removed by Lancet, now public: 74% of deaths directly tied to COVID jab | WND | by Around the Web

The study, titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination,” analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination.

House vote to consider doing DOJ's job and arrest U.S. attorney general | WND | by Bob Unruh

House vote to consider doing DOJ's job and arrest U.S. attorney general | WND | by Bob Unruh

Inherent contempt is a different process than the earlier vote on criminal contempt, and provides authority for Congress itself to make an arrest and pursue a prosecution. Luna is calling for members to "act now to protect the integrity and independence of the legislative branch." The report explained the criminal contempt case referred Garland to his own department for criminal charges. But the DOJ refused to act on it.

Biden's DHS "Secret Police" wants you rat out your neighbors | Blaze Media

Biden's DHS "Secret Police" wants you rat out your neighbors | Blaze Media

In a move straight out of communist East Germany, the Department of Homeland Security had recently planned to turn mothers and teachers into informants who rat out their neighbors for “domestic extremism.”

The group behind the move was called the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, which has since been disbanded. In notes released from a September 2023 meeting, they discussed ways to collect information on Americans and “get into local communities in a non-threatening way.”

“As we told you after the passing of the Patriot Act, be careful, because terrorism can be ‘one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist,’” Glenn Beck warns

Instagram urges users to reconsider following Tucker Carlson in 'insane warning' | Blaze Media

Instagram urges users to reconsider following Tucker Carlson in 'insane warning' | Blaze Media

"This combination of scale and independence is a serious threat to established power," continued Patel. "That is the only reason why people can't even go to a Tucker Carlson birthday post on Instagram without some insane warning." "Luckily, people are on to this," Patel added, noting that they've elected to sidestep "big tech censors" like Instagram altogether and go straight to Tucker Carlson's website.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

US Marine Veteran Imprisoned in Russia Warns That If Biden Doesn't Do Something, Moscow Will 'Keep Grabbing People'

US Marine Veteran Imprisoned in Russia Warns That If Biden Doesn't Do Something, Moscow Will 'Keep Grabbing People'

An imprisoned American in Russia urged the Biden administration to take “decisive action” to free him, CNN reported Saturday.

Paul Whelan, a former American Marine, was arrested in Russia in 2018 on espionage charges that both he and the U.S. government deny are true. More than 2,000 days into his imprisonment, Whelan is reflecting on the “incredible amount of time” he has had to spend in jail and is asking the Biden administration to step up and pressure Moscow into releasing him, according to CNN.

Challenge to state's traffic camera tickets brings heavyweight argument | WND | by WND Staff

Challenge to state's traffic camera tickets brings heavyweight argument | WND | by WND Staff

"In Virginia, the law says that in a regular traffic case, you have the presumption of innocence, you have the right to remain silent, you have a right to a jury trial – all of the criminal protections that we get," Anderson said. "That’s what the case is about. If the court finds that traffic tickets are entitled to full constitutional protections, then I think we have a real shot at getting this injunction."

Federal abitrator orders SEIU to pay California hospital over $6 million for illegal 2020 nurses' strike | Blaze Media

Federal abitrator orders SEIU to pay California hospital over $6 million for illegal 2020 nurses' strike | Blaze Media

A federal arbitrator has ordered SEIU Union 121RN to pay Riverside Community Hospital $6.26 million in damages after an illegal 10-day strike in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic threatened patients' lives and health.

What the IDF just said about Hamas should "TERRIFY everybody | Blaze Media

What the IDF just said about Hamas should "TERRIFY everybody | Blaze Media

“[His statement] should terrify everybody,” according to Glenn.

“This is about good versus evil ... not just for Israel. The West is riddled with supporters of Hamas and their clones. They're marching in our own streets! Do you think if Hamas is re-energized, it's going to be good for America?” he asks.

“If Israel fails in this, the world will be darker for it, but it will not stop there. They will come for the rest of us. [Hagari] is wrong.”

Monday, June 24, 2024

Defense Department sued over killing 'Duty, Honor, Country' slogan | WND | by Around the Web

Defense Department sued over killing 'Duty, Honor, Country' slogan | WND | by Around the Web

A government watchdog, observing what could be a step in the transition of West Point to "Wokey" Point, has sued the Department of Defense over the decision to kill the "Duty, Honor, Country" slogan at the military academy. "Given the woke virus infecting West Point, deleting the words 'Duty, Honor, Country' from its mission statement has sparked justified concern about what the Army's rising leadership is being taught at the United States Military Academy," explained Judicial Watch chief Tom Fitton.

World moving rapidly towards de-dollarization | WND | by Andrew Powell

World moving rapidly towards de-dollarization | WND | by Andrew Powell

Saudi Arabia has officially ended its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the U.S. and will now be accepting multiple currencies to purchase its crude oil. According to a report from the Atlantic Council, Saudi Arabia announced on June 13 that it will not be renewing its agreement with the U.S., which was signed in 1974 during the Nixon administration, to sell oil exclusively in U.S. dollars.

Teamsters general president Republican National Convention | Blaze Media

Teamsters general president Republican National Convention | Blaze Media

International Brotherhood of Teamster's union general president Sean O'Brien is slated to speak at the Republican National Convention next month in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Sean O’Brien, the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee. Our GREAT convention will unify Americans and demonstrate to the nation’s working families they come first," former President Donald Trump declared in a post on Truth Social.

Former attorney general pulls rug from under DOJ's defense for keeping Biden tapes hidden | Blaze Media

Former attorney general pulls rug from under DOJ's defense for keeping Biden tapes hidden | Blaze Media

According to the former attorney general, the effort to hide the tapes strongly suggests that the Biden administration believes its release "would prove embarrassing to the President and politically damaging" — which is hardly a justifiable reason to assert executive privilege or shrug off FOIA requests.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Biden's DHS board painted Trump fans, military, 'religious' people as a 'risk' | WND | by Around the Web

Biden's DHS board painted Trump fans, military, 'religious' people as a 'risk' | WND | by Around the Web

Internal documents obtained by AFL show the board characterizing “supporters of the former president” as constituting “most of the Domestic Terrorism threat” in the United States. The documents also classified traits such as having served “in the military” and being “religious” as “indicators of extremists and terrorism,” citing unnamed research.

Uproar over Dems' push to draft women for the military | WND | by J.M. Phelps

Uproar over Dems' push to draft women for the military | WND | by J.M. Phelps

When the U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act last week, which authorized $895.2 billion in military spending, one of the measures included would automatically register men aged 18 to 26 for Selective Service. Not to be outdone, in the Senate, language from Democrats has been added to the NDAA, as it’s called, that would also require women to register for the draft.

Chris Cuomo DESTROYED in debate over COVID failures | Blaze Media

Chris Cuomo DESTROYED in debate over COVID failures | Blaze Media

“Just in the last few days he’s admitted that six-feet social distancing was largely made up. He completely admitted it,” Rubin explains. “He’s the head of the NIH.”

“The rule was from the CDC,” Cuomo argues, not budging.

“There was nothing backing it,” Rubin says, noting that wasn’t the only thing that had no backing. “There was no evidence that when you went to a restaurant, if you were sitting you could take your mask off, and COVID could only get the waiter who was standing and had to wear the mask.”

“Masks don’t work, at all.”

AP leaves out illegal immigration status of the two men accused of killing 12-year-old | Blaze Media

AP leaves out illegal immigration status of the two men accused of killing 12-year-old | Blaze Media

The Associated Press is facing criticism for leaving out important details in their initial write up of the case of a 12-year-old girl being assaulted and killed allegedly by two Venezuelans who illegally crossed into the United States recently. Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, are accused of luring Jocelyn Nungaray, of Houston, Texas, under a bridge, holding her there for two hours, taking her pants off, tying her up, and then throwing her body in a bayou after killing her.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

5 illegal aliens from Mexico and Honduras allegedly kidnapped teenage Indiana girl who thought she was meeting online friend | Blaze Media

5 illegal aliens from Mexico and Honduras allegedly kidnapped teenage Indiana girl who thought she was meeting online friend | Blaze Media

Missouri police arrested five illegal immigrants from Mexico and Honduras after they allegedly kidnapped a teenage girl from Indiana who thought she was meeting someone from social media. Indiana police said they were alerted to a report of a missing 14-year-old by the girl's father from their home in Cass County just before 2 a.m. He told police that he saw her get into a strange vehicle very early in the morning on Sunday, which was Father's Day.

Huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars | WND | by Around the Web

Huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars | WND | by Around the Web

Nearly half of American electric vehicle (EV) owners want to buy an internal combustion engine model the next time they buy a car, according to a new study from McKinsey and Company, a leading consulting firm.

Approximately 46% of Americans who own an EV want to go back to a standard vehicle for their next purchase, citing issues like inadequate charging infrastructure and affordability, according to McKinsey’s study, which was obtained and reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Biden plan to expand abortion fails when judge rules against EEOC | WND | by Bob Unruh

Biden plan to expand abortion fails when judge rules against EEOC | WND | by Bob Unruh

The ruling said, "At its core, this is a textbook case of a federal administrative agency exceeding its statutory authority in a way that both usurps the role of Congress and violates authority vested in the states under the principles of federalism."

Breaking news, CNN: We are a republic, not a democracy | Blaze Media

Breaking news, CNN: We are a republic, not a democracy | Blaze Media

We need to explain this to people. You need to understand that democracy is a very important part of our republic, but democracy alone is not what we are. We are a democratic republic. We vote for the people to represent us.

The Founders were careful to take human nature into account. Human nature is naturally swayed by feelings and emotion. That’s why the Constitution is written to restrain the government so those in power can't make every decision for you by exploiting the masses’ emotions — like they’re trying to.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Mexican cartel worked with US-based group linked to Chinese underground banking to launder drug money: DOJ | Blaze Media

Mexican cartel worked with US-based group linked to Chinese underground banking to launder drug money: DOJ | Blaze Media

The Department of Justice announced Tuesday that a five-year investigation revealed that a Mexican cartel worked with a United States-based group linked to Chinese underground banking to launder drug trafficking money.

Arizona Schools Are Bearing the Cost of Biden's Border Crisis

Arizona Schools Are Bearing the Cost of Biden's Border Crisis

The exponential rise in illegal immigration has drastically altered the education policy landscape for local communities in Arizona, especially concerning school enrollments and associated costs and challenges. Unfortunately, state taxpayers are being forced to pay for the financial consequences of Biden’s refusal to uphold the fundamental rule of law and safeguard America’s borders. Education is a state, not a federal, issue. It’s time for Arizona — and all states — to take back control of their education policy and costs.

U.S. House moves to declare Pelosi's partisan Jan. 6 committee illegitimate | WND | by Bob Unruh

U.S. House moves to declare Pelosi's partisan Jan. 6 committee illegitimate | WND | by Bob Unruh

And the committee also ignored House rules requiring committees provide equal time for majority and minority members asking questions. His statement explained, the committee "spent hours rehearsing ahead of time so they could put on Stalinist show-[trials] for the American people. Bottom line: The committee was used as a political weapon with a singular focus on taking down Trump and his advisors through the intentional manipulation of facts and the silencing of the minority party. It was procedurally flawed from the start."

Mayorkas does not take any responsibility for illegal immigrant allegedly killing mother of five | Blaze Media

Mayorkas does not take any responsibility for illegal immigrant allegedly killing mother of five | Blaze Media

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to take responsibility for the 2023 murder and rape of a Maryland mother of five that was allegedly committed by an El Salvadoran who illegally crossed into the United States in February 2023. Rachel Morin was found dead near a hiking trail 10 months ago. Maryland law enforcement recently announced they had arrested Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez for the crime.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

AP Fact-Checks�Video of Barack Obama Walking Joe Biden off Stage, Citing One Anonymous Source

AP Fact-Checks�Video of Barack Obama Walking Joe Biden off Stage, Citing One Anonymous Source

The Associated Press (AP) on Monday fact-checked a video of former President Barack Obama walking President Joe Biden off stage by citing one anonymous source who attended the event.

'How is this legal?' Sparks fly over tax-funded LGBT-only housing | WND | by Bob Unruh

'How is this legal?' Sparks fly over tax-funded LGBT-only housing | WND | by Bob Unruh

LGBT promoters for years have been demanding "non-discrimination" laws and regulations across America, claiming, "All we want is equality." Now, it seems, they want a little more than equality.

Peter Doocy tells the truth about viral Biden videos after White House meltdown: 'These clips are not being manipulated' | Blaze Media

Peter Doocy tells the truth about viral Biden videos after White House meltdown: 'These clips are not being manipulated' | Blaze Media

But on "Fox & Friends," Doocy provided critical context to the videos and why the Biden administration is attacking them. "She referred to 'cheap-fakes' and also 'deepfakes' while dismissing these clips. But there's an important difference: A deepfake is if somebody is using AI or some other software to change the things that President Biden is doing or saying. A cheap-fake is just if a clip is cut shorter than they want, or from an angle that they don't like," Doocy explained.

'Gender-affirming' treatment gets shattered by new study | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Gender-affirming' treatment gets shattered by new study | WND | by Bob Unruh

It reveals Riittakerttu Kaltiala, psychiatrist who presided over youth gender transition treatments for years, confirmed 80% of those children who question their gender "eventually accept their bodies if no medical interventions are carried out." Kaltiala is a leading scientist regarding pediatric gender medicine in Finland and operates at the country's largest gender clinic.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Freedom Wins: Court Deals Massive Blow to Biden's 2nd Amendment Attack

Freedom Wins: Court Deals Massive Blow to Biden's 2nd Amendment Attack

While independence was declared in 1776, this great nation was arguably born on the Lexington, Massachusetts, town green the morning of April 19, 1775, when the British attempted to do just what the Biden administration wants to achieve – disarming a free people.

Biden officials let nearly 12,000 risky migrants roam the country | WND | by Around the Web

Biden officials let nearly 12,000 risky migrants roam the country | WND | by Around the Web

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released thousands of migrants into the country despite risk assessments recommending they be detained, according to a newly released report.

ICE officers released 11,754 noncitizens from their custody despite receiving Risk Classification Assessments (RCA) that recommended they remain detained, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General.

CNN runs report calling Trump supporters who label US a 'republic' a threat to democracy | Blaze Media

CNN runs report calling Trump supporters who label US a 'republic' a threat to democracy | Blaze Media

"Yeah, we’re a constitutional republic. Sure, it’s a democratic form of government. But calling it a 'democracy' ignores important, constitutional limitations—put in place by our founders—designed to keep democratic impulses in check. That’s the whole point of the Constitution," Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said in response to the report.

"How does CNN explain the Battle hymn of The REPUBLIC? Or the line: 'And to the REPUBLIC which it stands' in our pledge. Democracy is only a PART of the Republic. We have one man, one vote (democracy) to elect our REPRESENTATIVES, They Represent us to enact laws through the CONSTITUTION which they all swear to PROTECT AND DEFEND. Why does the left seem to only care about ‘democracy’. Yes, it is important, but with out the rest of it, democracy becomes mob rule," Glenn Beck noted.

Bill Gates reveals plan to save earth from farting cows | Blaze Media

Bill Gates reveals plan to save earth from farting cows | Blaze Media

“It’s interesting to me that here’s the man who owns the largest amount of farmland in the United States, Bill Gates, who now wants to, as he said, do something to cows so that they either don’t burp or fart as much, or we’ll just get off meat all together,” Rubin says.

“Either way, I sense he’s going to profit a lot from one of those things,” he adds

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Venezuelan migrants carjack off-duty NYPD officer, one armed with fully automatic pistol: Report | Blaze Media

Venezuelan migrants carjack off-duty NYPD officer, one armed with fully automatic pistol: Report | Blaze Media

The two suspects were both charged with robbery, grand theft auto, possession of a machine gun, possession of a loaded firearm, possession of stolen property, making rapid-fire modifications to a gun, and unlawful possession of an ammo feed device. This is the second time this month that NYPD officers have been attacked by suspects believed to be migrants from Venezuela. In the early hours of June 3, a suspect shot an NYPD officer in the chest and another cop in the leg after they attempted to stop his moped in Queens.

'Effed this up royally': Seeking truth about FBI raid at Trump home | WND | by Around the Web

'Effed this up royally': Seeking truth about FBI raid at Trump home | WND | by Around the Web

A recently discovered Department of Defense memo suggests that the federal government may well have had copies of the documents in Trump’s possession, also raising questions about the need for the raid. The content of those documents has not been disclosed but, critics ask, if Trump was not retaining copies of information that threatened national security, what was the need for an armed raid?

Many on the right see the Mar-a-Lago raid as part of a broader effort by the Department of Justice to intimidate its political enemies. 

'Patently unconstitutional': School under fire for race-based scholarships | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Patently unconstitutional': School under fire for race-based scholarships | WND | by Bob Unruh

"The district uses the scholarships to train and recruit new 'teacher[s] who look like' certain students, and so the program extends only to members of certain racial minority groups preferred by the district," WILL explained.

"The district’s race-based GYO program violates numerous anti-discrimination prohibitions, including the United States Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. WILL warns of further action if the district insists on maintaining this unlawful program."

'Horrified': Teacher takes girl for abortion, pays serious price | WND | by Around the Web

'Horrified': Teacher takes girl for abortion, pays serious price | WND | by Around the Web

An investigation has found that a public school teacher in New Hampshire was fired after requesting sick leave, during which the teacher actually took a student to get an abortion.

Documents released by the New Hampshire Department of Education revealed that the teacher had been “counseling” the student — both names were redacted — for several weeks about an unexpected pregnancy.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Can a return to traditional discipline save public schools? | WND | by Around the Web

Can a return to traditional discipline save public schools? | WND | by Around the Web

The academy is one of an estimated 1,000 high-performing urban charters that run on the No Excuses model. Its firm rules for behavior require students to sit up at their desks, remain silent unless called upon, and respect each other, which creates calm conditions for learning. After another year of disarray in many urban public schools, with the vast majority of teachers reporting that behavior issues were their biggest challenge, proponents say No Excuses charters provide an example of how to restore order and learning.

Michigan voter fraud EXPOSED | Blaze Media

Michigan voter fraud EXPOSED | Blaze Media

While many Americans are aware that elections haven’t exactly been fair, Sara Gonzales has put in the time to figure out exactly why that is.

Gonzales took a trip down to Michigan to find out for her latest Blaze Originals documentary, "Voter Fraud: Exposed," in which she looked into voter fraud in the state alongside Charlie LeDuff.

LeDuff, who is the host of “No BS News Hour” and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, notes that an impossible 105% of adults in Michigan are registered to vote.

“You have 8.3 million registered voters, and you have slightly under 7.9 million adults,” he explains. “Not all adults in Michigan are citizens, so right there you have a problem.”

Black Lives Matter leaders doled out lucrative contracts to family and friends, new documents reveal | Blaze Media

Black Lives Matter leaders doled out lucrative contracts to family and friends, new documents reveal | Blaze Media

Charity Watch Executive Director Laurie Styron told the Daily Caller that Black Lives Matter "has no independent oversight."

"Whether a person loves this charity’s mission or hates it, they should be angry that significant amounts of charitable dollars are being channeled to interested parties without adequate oversight in place," Styron said. "Charities are expected to avoid both real and perceived conflicts of interest to maintain public trust. This charity is doing the opposite. The optics here are really, really bad."

Federal Judge Blocks Biden's Transgender Title IX Changes, Slams Admin for 'Abuse of Power'

Federal Judge Blocks Biden's Transgender Title IX Changes, Slams Admin for 'Abuse of Power'

“This case demonstrates the abuse of power by executive federal agencies in the rulemaking process. The separation of powers and system of checks and balances exist in this country for a reason,” Doughty wrote, noting that the Biden administration went beyond its authority in imposing a rule that would have drastic fiscal impacts on every school in the nation and affirming that Title IX “was written and intended to protect biological women from discrimination.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Disturbing study: COVID shots destroyed young men's fertility | WND | by WND Staff

Disturbing study: COVID shots destroyed young men's fertility | WND | by WND Staff

A new study has suggested COVID shots, which already are known to cause serious side effects including heart ailments that can be fatal, also triggered a decline in male fertility. A study done by researchers in Denmark analyzed fertility levels from thousands of men ages 18-45, with half in the 18-24 age group, and revealed COVID mRNA shots "have caused widespread harm to fertility rates."

Pro-Palestinian protester on crowded NYC subway train orders Zionists to identify themselves | Blaze Media

Pro-Palestinian protester on crowded NYC subway train orders Zionists to identify themselves | Blaze Media

A witness came forward, WABC said, adding that the NYPD is asking other riders who were aboard that subway car and felt threatened to come forward as well. The station said police sources told ABC News that detectives are looking to file charges of attempted coercion. WABC said the "apparent protesters" had been rallying above ground at Union Square just minutes before the video of the chant on the subway train was recorded.

Timely lessons about tyranny from the Father of the Constitution | WND | by John & Nisha Whitehead

Timely lessons about tyranny from the Father of the Constitution | WND | by John & Nisha Whitehead

The Bill of Rights drafted by Madison – the first 10 amendments to the Constitution – was a document so revolutionary at the time that it would come to be viewed as the epitome of American liberty. The rights of the people reflected in those 10 amendments encapsulated much of Madison's views about government, the corrupting influence of power, and the need for safeguards against tyranny.

Madison's writings speak volumes to the present constitutional crisis in the country.

Read them and weep.

Why does Michigan have MORE registered voters than citizens? | Blaze Media

Why does Michigan have MORE registered voters than citizens? | Blaze Media

After Biden’s supposed victory in 2020, Americans’ faith in our election system has waned significantly. With November 5 just around the corner, people across the country are skeptical about whether or not we will have a fair election this time around.

BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales along with the Blaze Originals team recently headed to Michigan to investigate the state’s voting system, granted the swing state heavily altered its voting laws after Trump’s victory in 2016.

What they uncovered suggests that a fair 2024 election is highly unlikely.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report | Blaze Media

'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report | Blaze Media

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under Anthony Fauci funded deadly gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the likely epicenter of the pandemic. Although millions of Americans died from COVID-19, the NIAID apparently did not learn its lesson. According to congressional investigators, the NIAID received approval to execute radical gain-of-function experiments on MPXV, the virus that causes monkeypox.

'Our plates are full': Biden agency chief says staff too busy to notify state about major reversal | WND | by Around the Web

'Our plates are full': Biden agency chief says staff too busy to notify state about major reversal | WND | by Around the Web

The director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) claimed that the agency had no time to advise Alaska of a significant reversal of policy during a Thursday hearing. BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning made the assertion during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing while being grilled by Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska over multiple restrictions on energy and mining projects which drew fire from Native American groups in the state and Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola of Alaska.

House Committee Subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet Secretaries Over Alleged Scheme to 'Tilt the Scales' in 2024 Election

House Committee Subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet Secretaries Over Alleged Scheme to 'Tilt the Scales' in 2024 Election

In a Thursday news release (full text below), the committee said that it had begun an investigation into Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” soon after Biden signed it, which was in March of 2021, according to Fox News.

Committee Chairman Bryan Steil requested documents from the 15 Cabinet members on May 15 about what he called “Bidenbucks” and described as an “attempt by the Biden Administration to tilt the scales ahead of 2024,” and had received no response after nearly a month. Thus, the subpoenas.

Democratic officials charged in connection with alleged voter fraud in mayoral primary involving felon incumbent | Blaze Media

Democratic officials charged in connection with alleged voter fraud in mayoral primary involving felon incumbent | Blaze Media

Four people involved with a primary race in Connecticut several years ago now face criminal charges related to election fraud. The case relates to the 2019 Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, the most populous city in Connecticut. In that race, state Sen. Marilyn Moore took on longtime incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, whose tenure in office was interrupted while he spent seven years in prison for 16 felony charges related to political corruption.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Scholars stunned when they find earliest known record of Jesus' childhood in manuscript that went unnoticed for decades | Blaze Media

Scholars stunned when they find earliest known record of Jesus' childhood in manuscript that went unnoticed for decades | Blaze Media

Scholars have deciphered an ancient papyrus fragment that they believe contains the earliest account of Jesus' childhood. The fragment, which sat unceremoniously at the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library for decades, is believed to be a fragment from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, an ancient apocryphal account that claims to tell the story of Jesus' childhood from ages 5 to 12.

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary' | WND | by Bob Unruh

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary' | WND | by Bob Unruh

One of Joe Biden's key weapons in his promotion of the LGBT ideology for not just people in America but around the world has been his simple redefinition of words. "Sex," his administration has claimed, actually means "sexual orientation" or "gender identity." Thus, his LGBT goals have been "protected" in federal law for decades, he claims.

In-N-Out Burger confirms customers can thank Democrats for higher menu prices: 'The economy is kind of bad' | Blaze Media

In-N-Out Burger confirms customers can thank Democrats for higher menu prices: 'The economy is kind of bad' | Blaze Media

In-N-Out Burger, the most recognizable California fast-food chain, has raised its menu prices because of a new minimum-wage law in California. Last year, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a law increasing the state-mandated minimum wage at fast-food restaurants from $16 per hour to $20 per hour. The law took effect on April 1.

House holds Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress | Blaze Media

House holds Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress | Blaze Media

House Speaker Mike Johnson said in as statement, "Today, the House took a significant step in maintaining the integrity of our oversight processes and responsibilities by holding Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress. This decision was not made lightly but is essential to ensure transparency and accountability within the Special Counsel's office.

"It is up to Congress — not the Executive Branch — to determine what materials it needs to conduct its own investigations, and there are consequences for refusing to comply with lawful Congressional subpoenas.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Nancy Pelosi panics when new Jan. 6 footage shows her make damning admission about Capitol security: 'Directly contradicts' | Blaze Media

Nancy Pelosi panics when new Jan. 6 footage shows her make damning admission about Capitol security: 'Directly contradicts' | Blaze Media

The footage is significant not only because of Pelosi's admission, but because the Jan. 6 committee never released it. Why they chose to keep the footage hidden remains unknown. In fact, the only reason the footage is now seeing the light of day is because House Republicans requested it from HBO, according to Politico. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), chairman of the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee, said the footage "directly contradicts" Pelosi's narrative about Jan. 6.

Scared of voter fraud in 2024 election? You should be! Newly released poll reveals shocking number of unabashed cheaters | Blaze Media

Scared of voter fraud in 2024 election? You should be! Newly released poll reveals shocking number of unabashed cheaters | Blaze Media

The 2020 election may seem like a distant memory, but as November 5 draws nearer, many are worried about repeated voter fraud.

And they should be worried.

Sara Gonzales points to a 2023 poll conducted by the Heartland Institute. According to the survey, “in the 2020 general election, more than one in five mail-in voters admitted to voting illegally.”

If that wasn’t disturbing enough, the Heartland Institute just released another poll indicating that “approximately 44 million Americans would vote illegally in the 2024 election ‘to prevent [the] other side from winning.”’

Magic Kingdom erased 'Song of the South' elements from Splash Mountain. The remake may be another Disney flop. | Blaze Media

Magic Kingdom erased 'Song of the South' elements from Splash Mountain. The remake may be another Disney flop. | Blaze Media

Radicals hostile to America and the West committed to a campaign of deracination and iconoclasm in the summer of 2020, digging up graves, toppling statues, renaming animals, melting down busts, knocking out church windows, and killing off iconic brands. Disney made sure to get in on the action.

Blaze News original: Surgeon who blew whistle on genital mutilation at Texas Children's Hospital faces 4 felonies | Blaze Media

Blaze News original: Surgeon who blew whistle on genital mutilation at Texas Children's Hospital faces 4 felonies | Blaze Media

Back in January, Blaze News shared the story of Dr. Eithan Haim, a 33-year-old, board-eligible general surgeon who publicly revealed that transgender-related medical interventions continued at Texas Children's Hospital, even after its leaders claimed they had been put on "pause." Dr. Haim now faces four federal charges in connection with his exposure of Texas Children's, and Blaze News spoke with him to learn more details about his recent interaction with armed federal agents and his unwavering desire to see the truth prevail.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Huge victory for doctors fighting Biden censorship | WND | by Bob Unruh

Huge victory for doctors fighting Biden censorship | WND | by Bob Unruh

Defendants in the case are the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Family Medicine, and the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Additionally, Joe Biden's homeland security secretary, is a defendant because of the government's participation in the alleged censorship.

Watch video documenting Merrick Garland's 'contempt of Congress' | WND | by Bob Unruh

Watch video documenting Merrick Garland's 'contempt of Congress' | WND | by Bob Unruh

WND reported only a few weeks ago of the stark double standard the Biden administration is using to operate. Another special counsel, Jack Smith, has launched a massive attack on President Donald Trump over his retention of presidential papers in his home. There are several differences from the Biden case. Trump was president and had authority to declassify any documents; Biden never was and never did.

How close is Biden to instigating nuclear war? | WND | by Richard Blakley

How close is Biden to instigating nuclear war? | WND | by Richard Blakley

In three and a half years, Biden has taken America backwards to another 1979 Iran hostage scenario, except this time with Hamas holding U.S. citizens and others hostage, and has taken us backwards to another 1962 Cuban missile crisis with Russia doing military exercises in the Caribbean and threatening to give nuclear weapons to U.S. enemies.

Ukrainian outlet with ties to US State Department puts Blaze Media on 'Russian disinformation' watchlist | Blaze Media

Ukrainian outlet with ties to US State Department puts Blaze Media on 'Russian disinformation' watchlist | Blaze Media

The Texty.org article clearly presupposes that Ukraine is entitled to American financial support in its efforts against Russia, asserting that "Ukraine's victory is essential for the democratic world." It also seemingly blames Congress for "increased casualties among Ukrainian troops and a gradual retreat by the Ukrainian Armed Forces" because it delayed authorizing more aid by a mere four months. The article even blasted 10 congressional Republicans for simply calling for "a stronger audit" of Ukrainian funding packages.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

The outlet also noted that Worrell received financial support from the left-wing activist group Our Vote Our Voice, which received a $1 million cash infusion by the George Soros-backed group Democracy Now.

The court ultimately ruled in favor of the governor, and for a rather simple, constitutional reason.

The Florida constitution gives the governor the power to suspend a state officer for “malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony, and may fill the office by appointment for the period of suspension.” The same rules give DeSantis the power to reinstate suspended officers, as well.

'Nothing ordinary': DOJ admits Biden's special counsel transcripts inaccurate | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Nothing ordinary': DOJ admits Biden's special counsel transcripts inaccurate | WND | by Bob Unruh

The watchdog group cited the White House's own admission of the differences.

They may be considered insignificant by some, such as "missing 'filler words (such as 'um' or 'uh')' and words that 'may have been repeated when spoken (such as 'I, I' or 'and, and')'…"

The report noted that the DOJ also is claiming that "AI" could be "used to alter Biden's words" so the material should be kept secret.

A court filing by the DOJ claims the transcripts "accurately capture" the spoken words, but even so, they are not identical. The filing claimed the "differences" are not substantive.

Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch chief, pointedly added, "Wow.

Biden implementing radical housing policies that might crash whole market | WND | by Around the Web

Biden implementing radical housing policies that might crash whole market | WND | by Around the Web

The government-sponsored corporations Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, regulated by the Federal Home Financing Administration (FHFA), have taken a number of steps to increase financing opportunities for higher-risk borrowers under the Biden administration, including subsidizing higher-risk borrowing by hiking rates on lower-risk borrowers.

Texas Democratic Convention speaker is drag queen story hour performer pushing hormone blockers to trans youth | Blaze Media

Texas Democratic Convention speaker is drag queen story hour performer pushing hormone blockers to trans youth | Blaze Media

The Texas Democratic Convention was held in El Paso and ended on Saturday. The convention featured speakers such as transgender activist Charlotte Clymer, gun control activist David Hogg, and "full-time" drag queen Brigitte Bandit.

Bandit – who hosts a drag show titled "Big T**s Bigger Dreams" and promotes the "Big D***s Bigger Dreams" drag show – declared to have "worked with children for over a decade" at the Texas Democratic Convention.

Monday, June 10, 2024

New York middle school installs vape detection systems in bathrooms that can also register sounds | Blaze Media

New York middle school installs vape detection systems in bathrooms that can also register sounds | Blaze Media

"The device not only picks up nicotine in the air, it also picks up on THC and also picks up on aggressive behavior, so students looking to bully and fight in the bathrooms," Derek Peterson of Soter Technologies said, according to the New York Post. Peterson went on to mention that the devices use artificial intelligence algorithms to differentiate between door and toilet lid slams and those who might be bullying or fighting in the bathrooms. However, there are no microphones in the devices, he added.

Nearly Three Years And $1,200,000,000,000 Later, Biden Has Almost Nothing To Show For His Biggest Domestic Achievement | The Daily Caller

Nearly Three Years And $1,200,000,000,000 Later, Biden Has Almost Nothing To Show For His Biggest Domestic Achievement | The Daily Caller

Rampant inflation and President Joe Biden’s favoring of left-wing policies are contributing to a lack of progress on his landmark infrastructure law, analysts told the Daily Caller.

Two and a half years after Congress ratified the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in November of 2021, there has been very little concrete progress on new roads or bridges. The trillions of federal dollars the Biden administration has poured into the economy may actually be hindering the completion of the infrastructure that Biden promised to build, analysts told the Caller.

Fire department captain sues over mandatory 'Pride' celebration | WND | by Bob Unruh

Fire department captain sues over mandatory 'Pride' celebration | WND | by Bob Unruh

Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver said, "Religious beliefs matter. The Los Angeles County Fire Department makes a mockery of both the law and religion by blatantly infringing on Captain Jeffery Little’s sincerely held beliefs. There is no compelling government interest in this case to force someone to raise an ideologically divisive flag. People do not have to choose between their faith or their job."

The case is being handled for Little by the Thomas More Society, with help from Liberty Counsel.

Armed self-defense group patrols the streets in Hartford to combat violent crime | Blaze Media

Armed self-defense group patrols the streets in Hartford to combat violent crime | Blaze Media

The group's founder, Cornell Lewis, pointed the finger at Democrats in charge, saying: "The Democratic machine in Hartford is either unwilling or unable, incapable of doing it, and people are paying their tax dollars, and they’re not really getting any kind of service."

“So we want the people to understand, number one, self-defense is not a dirty word.”

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders sudden death, plane rash video | Blaze Media

Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders sudden death, plane rash video | Blaze Media

Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders died in a fiery plane crash over Puget Sound in Washington on Friday. The tragic incident was caught on video. Anders was 90.

At the time of the airplane crash, Anders was piloting his vintage Beechcraft T-34 Mentor – a single-engine, propeller-driven aircraft primarily used for flight training during the 1950s by the United States Air Force and U.S. Navy.

Video taken by Phillip Person shows Anders' plane suddenly falling from the sky and crashing into the Puget Sound, just 80 feet from the shore of Jones Island.

Governor's budget crisis: Slashing safety to fund climate goals | WND | by Around the Web

Governor's budget crisis: Slashing safety to fund climate goals | WND | by Around the Web

Newsom proposed revisions to the 2024-25 fiscal budget in May which cut $80 million from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and $15 million from Department of Justice (DOJ). The proposal includes moving $1.7 billion from the General Fund to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), specifically for “equity programs” and other “climate priorities.”

After Being 'Misled' by Appearance of Wind Turbines, Seaside Residents Awake to Nightmare as Houses Begin to Shake

After Being 'Misled' by Appearance of Wind Turbines, Seaside Residents Awake to Nightmare as Houses Begin to Shake

It noted that a 2018 comment from Dominion Energy said the turbines “will not be visible from the Virginia Beach shoreline.”

Project representative Jeremy Slayton said residents were told the pilot turbines were shorter than the ones for the full project, but when WAVY noted that the visibility issue was not linked to the height issue, “Slayton did not point to any specific presentation where visibility was addressed outside the pilot turbines.”

Lawyers who guarded home against BLM protesters want their guns back | WND | by Bob Unruh

Lawyers who guarded home against BLM protesters want their guns back | WND | by Bob Unruh

They've been pardoned by the governor and their records have been expunged by a judge, so St. Louis, Missouri lawyers Mark and Patricia McCloskey want their guns returned. They say they'll sue the city if they don't get them.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

New Study Shows COVID Vaccines May Have Increased Excess Deaths Since the Pandemic

New Study Shows COVID Vaccines May Have Increased Excess Deaths Since the Pandemic

Our great nightmare of 2020 won’t go away.

Sure, we’re done with the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the closed schools and workplaces and the steady drumbeat of propaganda badgering us with “Don’t be selfish, get vaccinated,” “We’re all in this together” and “Do your part — get the shot.”

Those days are gone, thankfully, although a few mask-wearers remain and the COVID-19 vaccines are still pushed.

'Moment of truth' has arrived for Attorney General Merrick Garland | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Moment of truth' has arrived for Attorney General Merrick Garland | WND | by Bob Unruh

Merrick Garland, Joe Biden's pick to be attorney general, soon will be informing Americans, through his actions, whether he is the "apolitical" law enforcement expert he promised to be, or not. That's the verdict from constitutional expert Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University.

New memo shows how FBI pressured Nashville Police about trans killer's manifesto after Christian school mass killing | Blaze Media

New memo shows how FBI pressured Nashville Police about trans killer's manifesto after Christian school mass killing | Blaze Media

The FBI appears to have counseled the Metro Nashville Police Department against releasing the manifesto belonging to the Covenant School killer.

Officials with the FBI's Critical Incident Response Group wrote to Nashville Police Chief John Drake on May 11, 2023 — approximately six weeks after the school massacre — about the "protection of legacy tokens," referring to the writings and other documents that killers leave behind.

170 crimes Hunter Biden SHOULD be on trial for | Blaze Media

170 crimes Hunter Biden SHOULD be on trial for | Blaze Media:

Hunter Biden is in court for allegedly lying on a federal form to purchase a gun in 2018 — and he should be on trial for a lot more.

“These federal level crimes again are a part of the government and media’s misdirection. They would love us to zoom in and just look at that,” Glenn Beck explains, noting that there are a whopping 170 crimes Hunter is implicated in.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Democrats accused of ethics violations for bullying Supreme justices | WND | by Bob Unruh

Democrats accused of ethics violations for bullying Supreme justices | WND | by Bob Unruh

Democrats are noted for their campaigns to bully the Supreme Court, another branch of government that is separate from their legislative power structure. It was U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who at one point threatened that justices wouldn't know what hit them.

Sec. Mayorkas struggles to dodge questions over cartels circumventing Biden's executive order | Blaze Media

Sec. Mayorkas struggles to dodge questions over cartels circumventing Biden's executive order | Blaze Media

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to explain how Mexican cartels and smuggling operations will not take advantage of the loopholes created with President Joe Biden's new executive order that claims to address the ongoing border crisis. Among the many exemptions, unaccompanied minors who illegally cross the southern border will not be counted for the 2,500 threshold that triggers the shutdown of people trying to seek asylum through a point other than a port of entry. There is a concern that unaccompanied children will continue to be exploited since the U.S. government will take them in, no questions asked.

Fox News anchor embarrasses Biden campaign after they accuse him of spreading 'blatant lie' | Blaze Media

Fox News anchor embarrasses Biden campaign after they accuse him of spreading 'blatant lie' | Blaze Media

Fox News anchor John Roberts is fighting back after the Biden campaign accused him of spreading a "blatant lie." The Biden campaign loves to remind voters that President Joe Biden instituted a $35 price cap on insulin for Americans on Medicare. But this week, Roberts undercut the Biden campaign's message and reminded Fox News viewers that it was then-President Donald Trump who first instituted the $35 price cap in 2020.

FBI Witness Confirms on Stand in Hunter Biden's Trial: The Laptop Is Real

FBI Witness Confirms on Stand in Hunter Biden's Trial: The Laptop Is Real

The DOJ confirmed the laptop was Hunter’s by determining that he left it at a computer store and that the contents matched what authorities obtained via a search warrant of Hunter’s iCloud, as Breitbart News reported in January.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Room costs in NYC soar as 1 in 5 hotels converted into shelters for illegal aliens, homeless | Blaze Media

Room costs in NYC soar as 1 in 5 hotels converted into shelters for illegal aliens, homeless | Blaze Media

The illegal alien and homeless guests who do occupy the rooms get to enjoy amenities such as "housekeeping every other day and fresh towels and linens at least once a week," the Times reported, citing sources. Carlos Arellano, who used to work at the Row NYC Hotel, which has since become a shelter, told Fox Business that these migrant guests have not taken care of the accommodations they've been given, agreeing with host Stuart Varney's suggestion that the hotels have been "trashed." "They're ruined. They're never going to be what they once were," he stated.

Jordan hammers Garland over Jack Smith 'tampering' with Trump evidence | WND | by Around the Web

Jordan hammers Garland over Jack Smith 'tampering' with Trump evidence | WND | by Around the Web

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland Tuesday about allegations that special counsel Jack Smith tampered with evidence in the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump.

Biden's executive order does little to stop the flow of illegal immigrants | Blaze Media

Biden's executive order does little to stop the flow of illegal immigrants | Blaze Media:

In the end, the executive order serves nothing more than to provide a talking point for Biden and other Democrats in an attempt to address one of the issues the Biden administration polls the worst on. "President Biden has effectively legitimized crisis levels of illegal immigration well beyond those laid out by the DHS secretary he once served with," House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green said, pointing to how 1,000 illegal entries per day cause major issues for Border Patrol.

Why did Moderna sign contract for vaccines before COVID-19? | Blaze Media

Why did Moderna sign contract for vaccines before COVID-19? | Blaze Media

When Dr. Fauci testified before a House subcommittee on the origins of COVID-19, many thought the time had finally come for tough questions.

While the questions asked made it clear that he lied about six-foot distancing and masking — Glenn Beck knows it could, and should, have been a lot worse.

“I find this incredible that we’ve missed this,” Glenn says, noting that the government signed a contract with Moderna on December 12, 2019, that ensured the pharmaceutical company would not be held liable for its vaccines.

The contract was originally proposed in 2015.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Fauci for Dog Experiments, Masking Children

Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Fauci for Dog Experiments, Masking Children

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) ripped Dr. Anthony Fauci during his testimony before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Monday, blasting him on a range of topics — from dog experiments to masking children in schools — and questioning his “so-called science.”

Greene opened up her line of questioning by pulling up a past assertion of Fauci, as he once claimed he represented science itself.

Joe Biden: 'So Proud' of Hunter Biden, 'the Man He Is Today'

Joe Biden: 'So Proud' of Hunter Biden, 'the Man He Is Today'

President Joe Biden said Monday he is “so proud” of Hunter Biden, “the man he is today,” as he goes on trial for gun violations.

Joe Biden previously said Hunter was the smartest man he knows amid reports of the Biden family raking in millions of dollars during and after Joe Biden’s vice presidency.
Special Counsel David Weiss charged Hunter in 2023 with one count of false statement in the purchase of a firearm, one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, and one count of false statement related to information required to be kept by a federal firearms licensed dealer.

Bidens now have FIVE NEW scandals to address | WND | by Bob Unruh

Bidens now have FIVE NEW scandals to address | WND | by Bob Unruh

Few in America aren't familiar with the Biden clan scandals: the allegations family members were taking bribes from foreign entities for access to Joe Biden, the Hunter Biden gun and tax charges, the money that came from foreign groups to many of Joe Biden's family members, and of course the sex and drug binges that are documented for Hunter in the laptop computer he abandoned at a repair shop.

Biden Begs Americans to Respect Justice System Days After Bragging About Skirting SCOTUS Ruling

Biden Begs Americans to Respect Justice System Days After Bragging About Skirting SCOTUS Ruling

So despite openly disrespecting the Supreme Court, Biden will go before the American people and tell them to respect the courts that his people do have a say over.

It’s all utterly disingenuous and quite disgusting.

But, hey, is that any different from what Biden normally does?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Biden administration offers 'mass amnesty' to illegal immigrants by quietly terminating 350,000 asylum cases: Report | Blaze Media

Biden administration offers 'mass amnesty' to illegal immigrants by quietly terminating 350,000 asylum cases: Report | Blaze Media

The Biden administration has effectively offered "mass amnesty" by quietly terminating asylum cases to hundreds of thousands of migrants, according to an eye-opening report.

The Biden administration has "terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim" more than 350,000 migrant asylum cases since 2022, according to a new report from the New York Post – citing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials as their source. The illegal immigrants reportedly have their asylum cases dismissed as long as they don't have a criminal record or are deemed to not be a threat to the United States.

Bureaucrat attacking prolife centers takes hit in court fight | WND | by Bob Unruh

Bureaucrat attacking prolife centers takes hit in court fight | WND | by Bob Unruh

A state bureaucrat orchestrating an attack on pro-life centers has taken a hit on her campaign in court. Thomas More Society officials say a court has rejected a demand from New York Attorney General Letitia James to move litigation against her into her back yard.

Supreme Court unanimously sides with NRA to allow free speech lawsuit against New York official | Blaze Media

Supreme Court unanimously sides with NRA to allow free speech lawsuit against New York official | Blaze Media

Sotomayor wrote that government officials were “free to criticize the N.R.A. and pursue the conceded violations of New York insurance law,” but that they could not constitutionally wield state power to “threaten enforcement actions” against companies they regulated in order to “punish or suppress the N.R.A.’s gun-promotion advocacy.”

She cited precedent, saying, “Government officials cannot attempt to coerce private parties in order to punish or suppress views that the government disfavors."

Monday, June 3, 2024

Chris Cuomo, Dave Smith debate on Joe Rogan, ivermectin, Trump | Blaze Media

Chris Cuomo, Dave Smith debate on Joe Rogan, ivermectin, Trump | Blaze Media

"When you’re waking up every morning to watch your TV to find out from your governor what you’re allowed to do today, including am I allowed to go to work, am I allowed to have a funeral for my father, am I allowed to see my family, am I allowed to step outside without a cover on my face – there is one word and one word only for that, and that is totalitarianism," Smith declared.

Smith called out Cuomo and the rest of the legacy media for falsely accusing Trump of colluding with Russia.

Chinese, Jordanian, Turkish illegal immigrants caught in large numbers at southern border | Fox News

Chinese, Jordanian, Turkish illegal immigrants caught in large numbers at southern border | Fox News

Over 3,500 Chinese nationals were encountered crossing the southern border illegally in May, along with hundreds of Jordanian, Turkish and Mauritanian nationals, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources who spoke to Fox News. The vast majority (98%) were encountered in the San Diego Sector, which has emerged as a top border-crossing point, even as numbers across the border have decreased in recent months. While the Tucson Sector in Arizona saw the most encounters, with over 33,000 illegal encounters, San Diego was a close second with over 32,000.

Texas Governor Welcomes First Soldiers to State Border Military Base

Texas Governor Welcomes First Soldiers to State Border Military Base

Texas Governor Greg Abbott welcomed the first 300 National Guard soldiers as they relocated to a new forward operating base located on the Mexican border just south of Eagle Pass. Abbott toured “Forward Operating Base Eagle” on Friday alongside Adjutant General of Texas Major General Thomas Suelzer and Texas Border Czar Mike Banks. The Governor held a press conference after the tour, providing more details about the latest developments at the base camp.

Exclusive -- Karoline Leavitt: Donald Trump 'Witch Hunt' Has Been an 'Epic Backfire'

Exclusive -- Karoline Leavitt: Donald Trump 'Witch Hunt' Has Been an 'Epic Backfire'

The Trump campaign raised $53 million in the 24 hours after the verdict was read in Trump’s business records trial on Thursday evening. For comparison, the entire Democrat Party raised just over $20 million in the 24 hours after Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

“It is unprecedented. It’s historic. And it’s epic. President Trump raised more money in 24 hours than the Democrats raised last month in its entirety — and the Biden campaign,” Leavitt said.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Mark Levin: 'Democrat Party Has Completely Destroyed Our Electoral System'

Mark Levin: 'Democrat Party Has Completely Destroyed Our Electoral System'

Levin said, “A couple of things, my reaction is the Democratic Party has completely destroyed our electoral system. Jack Smith has criminalized what used to be legitimate, although rough and tumble politics, challenging of elections, separate slates of electors, we have done that in our history. He has actually charged Trump related to free speech comments and so forth and so on. You combine that with Merchan and Alvin Bragg, who have criminalized we don’t know what, affecting an election. We don’t have the foggiest idea what is legal or illegal anymore in our federal election. That is part of the problem.”

Trump campaign reveals donors contributed $34 million in just hours | WND | by Bob Unruh

Trump campaign reveals donors contributed $34 million in just hours | WND | by Bob Unruh

The Bragg case was just one part of the multi-prong lawfare scheme that Biden and other Democrats have orchestrated against Trump already. The allegations lay dormant for years, and were brought back from the dead only as Trump began campaigning for president. In the Bragg case, multiple prosecutors, even Bragg himself, had declined to pursue the case based on the weakness of the allegations. It was only when Trump announced he was a candidate in this year's presidential that the zombie counts were filed.

Massive layoffs hit Media Matters after Elon Musk lawsuit | Blaze Media

Massive layoffs hit Media Matters after Elon Musk lawsuit | Blaze Media

Media Matters has solely existed to be a watchdog against the right for years, often seeking to ruin the lives of conservatives via cancel culture.

Now, the media company is having massive layoffs after Elon Musk brought it to court in November — and Lauren Chen is not above celebrating.

Manchin dumps Democratic Party affiliation | Blaze Media

Manchin dumps Democratic Party affiliation | Blaze Media:

"However, since becoming a United States Senator in 2010, I have seen both the Democrat and Republican parties leave West Virginia and our country behind for partisan extremism while jeopardizing our democracy. Today, our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground. To stay true to myself and remain committed to put country before party, I have decided to register as an independent with no party affiliation and continue to fight for America's sensible majority," he added.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Shocking map reveals vast U.S. farmland owned by Chinese government | WND | by Around the Web

Shocking map reveals vast U.S. farmland owned by Chinese government | WND | by Around the Web

According to the USDA, Chinese investors’ ownership of U.S. agricultural land has skyrocketed from merely 13,720 acres in 2010 to an astounding 346,915 acres by 2022 out of the 43 million acres.

BlazeTV debuts damning docuseries exposing COVID origins 'coverup' ahead of Fauci hearing | Blaze Media

BlazeTV debuts damning docuseries exposing COVID origins 'coverup' ahead of Fauci hearing | Blaze Media

There was a concerted public-private campaign during the pandemic to downplay the strong likelihood that COVID-19 — a virus that would go on to kill millions worldwide — did not originate in the controversial Chinese communist lab that long engaged in dangerous experiments on coronaviruses with the help of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

While the Chinese communist regime did its part to bury evidence of a potential lab leak as the virus was first spreading, then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci ultimately did the heavy lifting in terms of narrative curation.

Anthony Fauci and the virologists in his orbit worked feverishly to suggest that the virus had a zoonotic origin, concealing their own doubts about that possibility while denigrating those who would suggest otherwise.

Republican donation platform crashes from overwhelming demand after jury drops guilty verdict against Trump | Blaze Media

Republican donation platform crashes from overwhelming demand after jury drops guilty verdict against Trump | Blaze Media

The main donation platform for the Republican Party crashed under the overwhelming demand after a Manhattan jury found former President Donald Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records. "The American people see through Crooked Joe Biden's rigged show trial. So many Americans were moved to donate to President Trump's campaign that the WinRed pages went down," read a post from the Trump campaign on Thursday.