We The People

We The People

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Crawl and Grovel

By Tammy Derouin

This past week the administration not only admitted that money from the lifted Iranian sanctions would land in the hands of terrorist; they acted like it was no big deal.  Their smoke and mirror, song and dance, hocus pocus act to twist and turn lies into truth, continues without the slightest hesitation for the consequences of our country.

How does it make you feel when Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledges that some of the $55 billion in sanction relief for Iran will probably fund terrorism?  How secure do you feel when the White House backs up such a statement?  The Iranian government revealed, just days after the sanctions were lifted, that they will increase spending on their Revolutionary Guard. 

First, how incredibly stupid is it to lift sanctions on a country who openly chants death to America?  But then again, how incredibly stupid was it to negotiate a nuclear deal with a sworn enemy, hell bent on destroying the U.S. and Israel?  Iran does not hide their hatred for us. 

Remember when Iranians stormed the American Embassy in the late 1970’s and held Americans hostage?  Do you remember we had a very weak, liberal president in place at that time?  Iran recently took ten American sailors hostage just before the SOTU.  It wasn’t surprising that he didn’t mention a word about the situation.  He couldn’t, because it would contradict the claim he would make that the U.S. is some kind of powerful force that others dare not go up against.  Congress cheered and applauded his lies.  The Joint Chiefs of Staff told the truth with their peeved expressions.  It pains me, to no end, to know that we are no longer the superpower, the leader of the free world.  Does a free world even exist?

Our anti-American administration has provided us with the ultimate crawl and grovel performance towards an enemy. As liberal as Hollywood is, they should consider Obama and his administration for some kind of an award.  The slobber fest to pacify began early on in his term in office and will continue to the bitter, tragic end.

It really should have been front page news and it should have been taken seriously but instead, a red flag was swept under a Persian rug.  Obama bowed to the Saudi king.  He didn’t nod his head out of respect; he bowed to a foreign head of state!  An American president bows to no one!  Obama prefers to use the term ISIL instead of ISIS.  This is yet another bow to our enemy.  The nuclear deal with Iran is a disaster waiting to happen.  I am beyond convinced that he knows this agreement will only benefit our enemies. He is making them stronger and America weaker.  He is not foolish. He is fulfilling an agenda; following an ideology which, in the end, will destroy the United States.

John Kerry was asked if he felt any of the money from sanction relief would end up in the hands of terrorists.  His response was not comforting but it was predictable.  He stated that some of it would end up in the hands of the Iran Revolutionary Guard.  The U.S. government recognizes them as a terrorist group.  Kerry states, “I’m sure at some point some of it will, but that has never made the difference of what is happening there.”

Would you like a few more comforting words?  Josh Earnest said, “The only observation we’ve made on how they would spend the money is the observation from the secretary of state that it certainly seems possible, if not likely, that they will use some of those funds to support acts of terrorism.”  A journalist should have been all over him for that statement.  But, we have a puppet press.  He also added, “This is precisely why we have implemented an agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

Do you really think the United States has or will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon?  There was a time I would have believed we could have but those days are gone, at least until we get someone in office who is more concerned about the security of the American people and our true allies rather than preserving, aiding and securing our enemies so they can use our money and weapons to destroy us.  Shouldn’t we be preventing our enemies from obtaining funds and weapons?

Obama has made no secret of where his loyalties lie.  His actions are loud and transparently clear.  How will history record the foolishness of our nation?  We allowed ourselves to be deceived and manipulated because we didn’t want to offend the enemy. We have allowed our enemy to intimidate us.

“The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.”

Thomas Jefferson

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