We The People

We The People

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013
Friend or Foe
By Tammy Derouin
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”  Declaration of Independence
We are in dire need of new guards for our future security but we don’t need a revolution.  Our Constitution provides us with the answers and the ability to limit the power of our government. The colonist had no choice.  They had to fight for their independence.  Their sacrifice continues to give us our freedom, but only if we protect it.
We are at a crossroads.  If we don’t enforce our Constitution, it will cease to exist.  All those little things like freedom of speech, press, religion, the right to bear arms, to be secure in your home, protected from unreasonable searches and seizures, held without being charged, trial by jury, to not be deprived of liberty without due process, among many others, will be gone.  We have already allowed our government to infringe on the majority of our rights, out of fear.  Our rights are not as secure as many would believe. 
Fear is a powerful weapon.  When a government wants complete control, it will use fear to push the people into submission.  It will tighten its grip until your existence is at the mercy of those in power.  When daily needs and necessities become benefits from the government, the government is all powerful.
Once the colonists declared their independence, they no longer had the resources of the British Empire. But even when they did, they were slaves to the crown.  The elite class was in control.  Privileges and benefits came from the top, down.  The government endowed the people with rights.  What the government gives, the government can and will take away.
“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”  Declaration of Independence
Man was not meant to be enslaved.  If slavery is so bad, why are so many Americans chaining themselves to the government?  Why does the government use the weak and the poor as their billboard?   If the government doesn’t have a population that is dependent upon it, the government doesn’t have a way of controlling your life.
The more we feed the government, the more powerful it becomes.  Stop feeding the beast!  The government has convinced so many Americans that they can’t make it without government assistance.  The president has already stated, “You didn’t build that.” 
The progressives have been planting entitlement seeds for over 100 years.  The time-proven adage that you reap what you sow, has been producing feeble crops.  After so many entitlement seeds have taken root, I’m really curious as to who’s going to do the harvesting.  The hands are out but so few are willing to do the work.
“To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”  Declaration of Independence
Facts were submitted as proof to the world that their declaration was not an impulsive move.  Twenty-seven pieces of evidence were submitted.  I’d be willing to bet there were many more that didn’t make the final cut.  They had to draw a line and determine what was most important to grab the attention of the world.
What does the world see today?  They see the once strongest nation in the world bowing to its enemies. Those that openly want America destroyed are being welcomed into the White House and into the administration.  Long-time allies have been betrayed.  Secret and sensitive information about our once trusted allies has been shared with our once mutual enemies.  Our allies have been subjected to invasion of privacy.   If the American people are no longer trusted, why would the government trust our allies?  Surveillance and wiretapping are among the intrusive types of behavior, by our government.  American citizens and American allies are equally treated as enemies.
What happens when America begins to collapse at the hands of our “new allies” aka, former enemies?  Will our former allies see us as friend or foe? 
What happens when Americans can no longer trust the government?  What happens when the president can look directly at the American people and lie repeatedly on any issue?  What happens when one person or party usurps power illegally?  What will happen if we continue to ignore the betrayal of our government? 
 Seventy percent of Americans don’t know the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  I wonder what will happen. 
“In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms:  Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.”
The Declaration of Independence



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