We The People

We The People

Monday, December 31, 2012

January 2, 2012
Self-Destruct Mode
By Tammy Derouin
The United States is in an economic crisis.  The president returned from yet another vacation to pretend he cares.  If he cared, he wouldn’t have signed an executive order granting pay increases to federal employees.  Talk about fiscal irresponsibility.  This is the same administration that says we can spend our way out of debt.  Try to convince your bank of that kind of logic.  It doesn’t work and they know it.  Obama is getting exactly what he wants.  He wants our system to collapse.   
I feel Obama harbors a true hatred towards America and all that is American.  How else would you describe his actions?  He was brought up surrounded by anti-American individuals.  His friends and those he associates with are radicals and extremists.  They were and still are anti-Americans.  How did such an individual make it to the presidency?  How did he pull the wool over the eyes of so many people?
I recently read an article that outlined some of Obama’s anti-American actions and words.  I’ve written about many of these in the past.  Individually, they are shocking.  To see a list, which was far from complete, was sobering.  It left me asking the question, how do so many people get blindsided? 
It’s amazing how people react to fiction and non-fiction so differently.  When dealing with a fictional story, people have no problem determining who the “bad guy” is.  The actions, words and the motive of an individual are plain to see.  We don’t need to be told who the criminal is or for that matter, who the hero is.  Life has taught us the difference between good and evil.  When it comes to non-fiction, people lose their common sense.  They second guess or overthink an issue instead of going with their gut feeling.  They stop thinking and allow those in power or those in the media to do their thinking for them.  It’s kind of like that couple that sits a row ahead of you at the theatre.  One is constantly explaining what is taking place to their companion.  Maybe the person has difficulty hearing.  Instead of dealing with reality and getting a hearing aid, the person has given someone else the control to interpret the story for them.  It’s easier to be led than to do the work.  By not doing the work, you have put yourself at the mercy of the intelligence or the motives of someone else. 
Let’s walk a fine line.  Not so long ago, in a land not so far away, there was a free and prosperous society. It existed because individuals believed in self-reliance.  Each person was responsible for their own well-being.  Over time, prosperity caused the people to ignore signs of decay.  Ultimately, this negligence led to an infectious disease.   It invaded their society and began to destroy them from within.  They elected leaders who had loyalties to other societies; societies that wished to destroy them.  Their enemies openly stated their intentions. The people continually voted in leaders, all the way to the highest office, that sought to destroy their home land.  They were willingly activating their own self-destruct mode. Neighboring lands couldn’t understand their actions.  
The United States is drowning in debt.  Instead of cutting off financial support to other countries, President Obama is giving Egypt twenty F-16 fighter jets.  This is just part of $450 million in aid that was promised in 2010.  Egypt is now ruled by an evil regime that has openly called for the destruction of America and Israel.  Egyptian President Morsi openly prayed in public asking Allah to destroy the Jews and their supporters.  President Morsi has been talking with Iranian President Ahmadinejad.  Ahmadinejad has stated he wants to, “wipe Israel off the face of the map” and “We don’t shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world.”  Obama indirectly funneled $20 million to Hamas and stated that the goals of Hamas are fine, so long as they are achieved “peacefully.”  He allowed Iran to acquire top secret U.S. drone technology.  Obama has made it possible to detain American citizens indefinitely without charge or trial. Meanwhile, he advocates Miranda rights for foreign terrorists.  Obama watched as Americans died in Benghazi and then blamed a video for the violence.  Obama and his administration aren’t being held accountable for their negligence.  Obama doesn’t have a problem shipping guns and war planes to the enemies of the United States.  He does however want the American people to give up their right to bear arms.  Obama is arming our enemies while trying his very best to disarm American citizens. 
Getting back to the fine line, fact is always stranger than fiction.  Believing fiction over fact is self-destructive.
“We should not forget that the spark which ignited the American Revolution was caused by the British attempt to confiscate the firearms of the colonists.”
Patrick Henry

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 26, 2012
Life’s Little Detours
By Tammy Derouin
I took a much needed break and jumped off the news wagon for a short time.  Unfortunately, the world doesn’t have a pause button.  Jumping back on and trying to play catch up had me reaching for the ibuprofen.  It was a nice break but I’m still dragging my feet.
With the year coming to a close, I’ve spent some time reflecting on the events of the past year.  Life is a learning experience.  I’m of the belief that events in our life happen for a reason.  We may not understand at the time why things take place, especially the bad and harmful events.  If given the opportunity to look into our own future, would we have willingly traveled the path that we have taken?  We make decisions with our best intentions.  We want what’s best for ourselves and for those that are in our lives.
I have learned that it’s the struggles in life that make you who you are.  As much as I like sitting at the beach reading and relaxing, that’s all it is.  Life on the beach, no matter how inviting, isn’t living.  Life involves risk.  Life involves stepping out of your comfort zone and daring to do something you never thought possible.  There will be failures and there will be victories.  Don’t stew too long over the failures, learn from them.  Enjoy life’s victories. 
As I put 2012 behind me, I leave financial security, a home and many material possessions.  I leave behind fear, false accusations (I do enjoy those little victories); loss of freedom and that terrible sound of the exterior door handle twisting open as I pretend to sleep.  What have I gained?  I’ve gained financial insecurity, a small apartment and freedom.  I haven’t been this happy in years!  I have family that has always stood by me and has been willing to help every step of the way.  I have friends that have been supportive and care about my well-being.  I even have friends that have helped build my confidence to levels that have allowed me to enjoy life once again.  Humor is a wonderful coping mechanism.  Having such friends at work is an even greater blessing.
I’ve also enjoyed opportunities that wouldn’t have come about had I not gone through this difficult situation.   I believe every life has purpose.  We would not come in contact with certain people or have opportunities without being exposed to experiences that seem to be the darkest moments of our life.  Nobody wants to get stuck in a ditch.  Who or what we come in contact with because of life’s little detours is what makes life challenging and even a little exciting. We are able to appreciate the good by how we handle the bad.  That however, involves those paths that we wouldn’t have willingly taken but did.  
I have a greater understanding of what is taking place in our country due to my experience.  I’ve dealt with a narcissist.  I understand how the Left manipulates a situation.  There is one set of rules for “their” side and one set of rules for “my” side.  The rules for me changed without warning.   My life was monitored.  Everything from my location, to purchases, possessions and communications were under surveillance.  It happened slowly over time and without my knowledge.  I had a nice home.  I had financial security.  I didn’t have freedom.  What I have just described is socialism and communism. 
We the people of the United States are losing our freedoms.  It has happened slowly over time and without our complete knowledge.  It has been disguised as a need for safety and security.  It’s for your own good, for your protection, says the narcissist.  There are those who say, “If I’m not doing anything wrong, why should it matter if I’m being watched?”  It matters because the one watching is the one making the rules.  You will always be guilty until proven innocent.  Are your freedoms, your rights, worth giving complete control to the government?  The federal government can’t handle the few duties assigned to it by the Constitution.  Do you want the government to have even more control of your life?
I’ll take capitalism.  I’m no longer financially secure.  I am however, free.  I’ll take freedom and all the risks that come with it over servitude.  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, you can’t go wrong.  Capitalism puts you in control.  The Constitution gives the control to the people.  That’s why those in power call the Constitution outdated.  If we give up even one of our rights, we give up control.  Servitude and enslavement will become our normal way of life.
“Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality.  But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”
Alexis de Tocqueville

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 19, 2012
Never Waste A Good Crisis
By Tammy Derouin
Watch as those on the Left work their magic to remove more of our rights.  It always helps when you have the backing of uninformed or mislead people to help push your agenda.  Hitler stated, “How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.”   
The killing spree at the Connecticut Elementary school was indeed tragic.  Let’s not let one tragedy lead to another.  The government is more than willing to strip us of our rights.  Obama has already used this opportunity to imply that gun control will be a priority.  We need to look at the real problem.  The people who commit such crimes are to blame, not their weapon of choice.  We cannot allow anger to rule our actions.  With rights come responsibilities.  If you are not responsible, you will lose your rights through the court system.  Living in a free society requires individuals to be responsible for their actions.  Those who have abused their rights or those who are mentally impaired must be dealt with differently.  The rights of responsible gun owners “shall not be infringed,” as stated in the Constitution.  The alternative is government control.  There is no such thing as guaranteed safety and security.  Ask yourself, are you willing to give up a valuable right for something that nobody, not even the government can guarantee?
Last week I mentioned Rahm Emanuel’s statement, “Never waste a good crisis.”  We will witness how quickly the Left will move to capitalize on this crisis.  Hollywood is doing their part.  Celebrities are coming out in support of gun control or gun bans.  One actor blatantly called for people to give up their rights.  Hollywood is the land of the privileged and the elite.  Obama is part of this privileged group.  Do you really think people of status are going to go around unprotected?  When a right or privilege is denied to the population only those with money and means continue to have rights.
The weapon of choice in this case was a gun.  What about knives or blunt objects?  Two hands of an angry and out of control individual can be life threatening as well.  How far are we going to take this?  Car accidents kill people too.  What about alcohol?  Alcohol is a big contributor to crime and abuse.  What should we do, ban alcohol?  Oh wait, the government did ban alcohol.  How did that work?  The elite and the privileged still had access to alcohol.  The average citizen who attempted to make and or sell a homemade version became the criminal.  Crime increased due to the government overreaching its power.  Hey, the government created jobs by outlawing alcohol.  The government also sent you to prison for your entrepreneurial creativity.  Never mind the fact that those in power never had to give up their right to alcohol.
I never thought I would agree with Pravda but maybe they’re right in this particular case.  Maybe the American population is illiterate.  We are destroying ourselves and we don’t even know it. We are giving up our rights in hopes the government will protect and provide for us.  The government wasn’t designed to take care of every aspect of our lives.  The government will however, step in and mismanage every aspect of our lives if we let it.  The population has embraced governmental care at every level.  Pravda is right once again, we haven’t learned from the mistakes of the Soviet Union. 
Europe is teetering on collapse and the United States is following.  We are doing everything that Europe proved doesn’t work.  The desire to be cared for from crib to casket has blinded us from the stark reality that government fails miserably at managing our lives.  We are individuals.  We don’t settle.  We will always aspire to do better.  It is human nature to compete and that’s precisely why socialism and communism do not work.
An unarmed population will only put the guns in the hands of the government and criminals.  You could argue they are one in the same.  If we allow the government to continue to overreach their authority, we will eventually lose all of our rights.  The government will state it’s for our protection.  The right of the collective is becoming greater than the right of the individual. 
You may be in favor of stricter gun laws or maybe even banning firearms all together.  What happens when the government targets something that is important to you?  Do you enjoy speaking your mind?  Do you enjoy reading books, periodicals or newspapers?  How about the internet?  Do you enjoy the ability to look up anything of interest?  Do you enjoy traveling?  How about eating and drinking what you enjoy?  Our freedoms are in danger.  If the government successfully ends one of our rights, the others will soon fall.
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 12, 2012
By Tammy Derouin
Our nation dodged a debilitating bullet this past week.  Our Senators came dangerously close to handing over the rights of Americans with disabilities to the United Nations.  Once again, where was the press?  How did such an important vote take place with little to no coverage?    If you live in Michigan, Levin and Stabenow voted against the citizens of the State of Michigan and ultimately the citizens of the United States.  “It’s a waste of time”, my friend Jim Riley stated, “to try and change their minds.”  Levin and Stabenow are career Left-Wing politicians.  The only way we are going to change things is to change the hearts and minds of the people at the local level.  Although I did not find their names on the Progressive Caucus list, Levin and Stabenow are Left Wing ideologues.  Their beliefs are destructive to our nation. 
I was introduced to a new way of describing myself.  When the subject of politics comes up, I’ve found that Conservatives aren’t always willing to come right out and state they’re a Conservative.  Remember the Reagan years?  You said Conservative or Republican with pride.  I did too, until those dark years when the Democratic Party had their meat hooks in me.  I’m so glad I woke up from that nightmare.  Now that I’ve gone back to my roots, I’ve struggled with what to call myself.  I vote Republican because they’re just slightly less progressive than the Democratic Party.  Both parties are corrupt.  Both parties have betrayed the American people. I decided to call myself a Conservative.  It seemed to work.  The word Constitutionalist was brought to my attention this past week.  It had a new and deeper meaning.  It’s the perfect word to describe my view.  I’m a Constitutionalist.  I believe in the Constitution and the limited role of government in our lives.  The checks and balance system, if allowed to work the way it was intended, will scrutinize every bill, every proposal and every action taken by all three branches of government. If changes need to be made, the Constitution provides the way to make such changes.
The United States must get back to its roots. We must restore our nation and our Constitution.  This is a brilliant, well-written, well thought out document and it works.  No other nation in the world has had so many people risk everything including their lives to get here.  Americans are exceptional.  America offers dreamers a place to dream, a place to reach for the stars.  Americans don’t flee to other countries for political asylum, well up until now at least.  There is no other place to go.  If the United States lowers its standards to be “equal” among nations; then Americans have lost their exceptionalism.  America made it to the top because Americans never took no for an answer. 
We the people built this country.  Government didn’t build it.  The American spirit is slowly being extinguished.  History is being re-written.  Our freedoms are disappearing.  The government is getting larger and larger with the ultimate goal of having complete control.  Many of our elected leaders are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  This is how the Fabian Socialists are described in a stain glass painting in the UK.  It was their objective to turn up the heat to mold the world more to their liking.  Remember when Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste a good crisis.”  Those that want to be in power use a crisis to present a solution.  Those people or groups “stir the pot,” often making a problem where one doesn’t exist.  They wait and wait and when the crisis hits the flash point, they come in with a solution.  In some cases, the people beg for relief.  That’s how Hitler came to power.  He caused a crisis, presented a solution and won an election.  The people were desperate for answers and relief.  Never waste a good crisis.
The Left likes to call anybody who is on to their scheme a conspiracy theorist.  In fact, they are the ones who have been conspiring to take total control of your life. They work covertly.  There is plenty of proof to back up their success. The proof is in the President.  He’s a Constitutional Scholar.  Auto mechanics will teach you how to fix and keep your vehicle working properly.  If you study and apply what you learn, you may even be able to do a full frame-off restoration.  Someone that knowledgeable would know how to dismantle a vehicle effortlessly, one piece at a time.  A wolf in Sheep’s clothing dismantling our Constitution, one piece at a time.
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 5, 2012
The Constitution Is Our Blueprint
By Tammy Derouin
The Declaration of Independence declares the will of the people to be free from an oppressive government.  It lists the reasons the people of the colonies, under British rule, declared their independence.  The Constitution is our blueprint to remain a free and independent nation. 
There has been a movement in this country, since the early 20th century, to change the very basic principles and beliefs of the United States.   The government has slowly encroached on our freedoms, our liberties, our God given rights.  We, the people, have allowed this to happen by being uninterested, uninformed and uninvolved. 
The Constitution is the key for this nation to remain free.  It is also the key to remain independent.  In addition to the government chipping away our individual rights, the government is pushing our nation towards global control.   Global control would end our sovereign rights as a nation.  It would end our freedom.  Executive Orders, many of which are never reported, have set the stage for our fundamental transformation from a free to an enslaved nation. 
Virtually every Constitutional Amendment is being violated.  Freedom of speech is under attack.   The government has attempted to silence those who don’t tow the party line.  The Second Amendment is under attack.  It states, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The founders knew that an unarmed population would give those that govern a huge advantage to impose their will.  They would be able to take with little to no resistance.  These are but two examples.  The government has treaded and trampled on our rights.
Amendment XIII also needs protection.  When we think of the 13th Amendment we tend to think about the Civil War and the end of slavery.  We need to revisit this particular amendment.  Slavery is slavery.  It requires an oppressor and the oppressed.  The amendment states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”  President Obama signed an Executive Order that violates this amendment.  While the nation rang in 2012, he signed an order making it possible for an American citizen to be picked up and held indefinitely without charge or trial.  This also violates Amendment VI.  Why hasn’t the press reported this?  Why isn’t Congress screaming?  To be fair, some are, but oddly not all. 
Isn’t this what communist countries do?  Pravda reported after Obama was re-elected that the U.S. just elected their first communist president.  It also stated that we haven’t learned from the failure of the Soviet Union.  They called the U.S. voters illiterate.  We, as a nation don’t understand the terrible mistake we’ve made because we don’t know history.
Our government, once a tool for the people has become the weapon against the people. We are being transformed nationally into a global government.  UN Agenda 21 is not a party issue.  George Bush, Sr., along with 178 other nations signed the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development – Agenda 21.  The International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) was designed to implement Agenda 21 at the local level.  The plan involves taking over our educational system, energy, government, food production, transportation, and our health system.  Conservation is a good idea, within reason.  It’s completely unacceptable to loss our sovereign rights, our God given rights and our freedom to achieve environmental goals.
Agenda 21 has been in the works for 20 years.  President Obama has signed many Executive Orders that will act as tools to implement Agenda 21 in the United States. 
The following information was first located at www.infowars.com. 
A leaked document entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (look it up and download it) was a horrifying discovery.  This is a manual, a U.S. Army document prepared for the DOD.  It contains plans for “political activists” to be re-educated while detained in prison camps within the United States.  The manual states, “The authority to approve resettlement such operations within U.S. territories,” would require a “special exception” to The Posse Comitatus Act, which can be obtained via “the President invoking his executive authority.”
In 2009, the National Guard posted job opportunities for “Internment/Resettlement Specialists” to work in “civilian internee camps” within the United States.
In December 2011, it was revealed that Halliburton subsidiary KBR is seeking sub-contractors to staff and outfit “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the United States.
Do you recognize your country?  We need to be informed and educated if we have any hope of remaining an independent sovereign nation.
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government-lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
Patrick Henry