We The People

We The People

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 14, 2012
By Tammy Derouin
America chose servitude over freedom. 
A friend of mine has an “I voted” sticker posted at his desk.  It states, “We The People…” with a Constitutional look about it.  It intrigues and haunts me.  The Constitution is very vulnerable now.  Images of it going up in flames or being run through a shredder come to mind quite often.
The press has done our country a grave disservice.  They have been lying to the American people for years.  At the moment, freedom of speech isn’t a crime.  The original patriots were guilty of treason once they signed The Declaration of Independence.  The only thing we, the ones willing to speak, are guilty of is demanding the truth, justice to be served, and the Constitution to be upheld.
Our enemies are cheering that Obama won.  Isn’t that comforting?  We have empowered someone that supports those who want to destroy us.  The Muslim Brotherhood is happy with our election outcome.  The Communist Party USA has nothing but praise for their accomplishment.  Interestingly, November 7 was the 95th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.   The Bolsheviks were members of the Marxist Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party.   Do you see any similarities?  This was the party and event that brought Communism to Russia.  The party transformed into the Communist Party and the Soviet Union emerged under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin.  Russian emigrants that escaped the communist regime live in fear once again.  They escaped bondage and America just embraced it, hook, line and sickle.  
 Obama told Russian President Medvedev that after the election he would have, “More flexibility.”  Obama made another statement I haven’t been able to let rest.  He said, “This is my last election.”  I personally feel there was much more being transmitted to Putin.  Once a dictator comes to power, he doesn’t leave willingly.  Obama has signed enough executive orders to do just that, all he needs is a crisis.  Once the match is lite everything will fall into place.  Guess who holds the match?
Americans have embraced an administration that has lied, consorted with the enemy by giving them aid and comfort (treason), refuses to protect our borders, has set our economy up for collapse, feels that it’s the government’s responsibility to provide for the people, interfered with private industry, and has now been given control of your very life.  Those who think Obamacare is a lifesaver have a rude awakening coming. 
While the nation watched Hurricane Sandy, Obama signed yet another executive order.  This order created the Homeland Security Partnership Council.  It merges the DHS with local governments and the private sector.  The result of this order gives the Executive Branch complete and unlimited control over the lives of the American people.  The federal government will be able to expand its control at the local level.  Networks of “security partnerships,” will allow direct communication to the federal level.  Obama no longer needs Congress.  He has secured his ability to control through absolute rule, a dictator.  Don’t worry; it’s for your own protection.  Did you hear the cell door slam shut?  You have willingly become a prisoner to your government.  www.whitehouse.gov  Thanks Jerome for the information.
We have turned our back on Israel.  We have empowered someone that will stand with evil and watch the destruction of Israel.  If you have any doubt that he won’t stand by and do nothing, remember Benghazi.  Obama watched Americans die and did nothing.
Five days before the election, Iran fired on a U.S. drone over international waters.  That is an act of war.  We don’t have to go to war but we don’t have to ignore it either.  We are no longer a threat to our enemies.  Where was the press?  Oh yeah, in Obama’s back pocket.
Hours after Obama was re-elected, the United States supported the new U.N. Arms Treaty talks.  America abides by American rule, not global rule.
The person who made the video the Obama Administration blamed for causing the uprising in Benghazi and Egypt was sentenced to a year in jail. Obama targeted an individual for exercising freedom of speech. It kind of sounds like something other countries do, political prisoners.  I guess that’s us now too.
Half of our citizens are either in complete darkness, they don’t care, or they prefer socialism/communism over American principles.  When given a choice, Americans opted for servitude over freedom.  In four short years America went from giving a hand to demanding a hand-out.  Self-reliance is no longer valued.  The more government assistance you receive the more the government owns you.  We will have to live with the consequences of our actions. 
“America was the last hope for freedom and we willingly gave it up.  I was blessed to be born into freedom.  I doubt I will die in freedom.  I will however, die for freedom.”
Tammy Derouin

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