We The People

We The People

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dancing Marionettes

By Tammy Derouin

The Republican takeover of the Senate was critical for the United States.  No matter how it’s been described, the fact remains, the American people sent a message.  The message has been there for some time, but it’s been ignored or squelched to advance a very un-American agenda.
Our first line of defense is information.  The American people were betrayed.  The puppet press tampered with the message and refused to deliver the truth.  There is no doubt in my mind that this administration used some very convincing, strong armed tactics to turn our free press into the dancing marionettes of the Obama administration. 

It’s really very scary.  What would have caused such a significant change in the mission of the press?  How do trusted and respected news agencies and journalists shift away from protecting and informing people, to protecting and defending autocracy?  It wasn’t all that long ago when I watched many investigative news programs, spanning all three major networks.  They have lost my trust.  I’ve had to exit the main stream to find a clearer, sharper image of the truth.   Even in the wake of the shift in power, once respected journalist continue to hammer the party line.  What kind of malicious information has been used against them?

In addition to sending a message to the White House, I hope the press received one as well.  People want the truth, even if it hurts.  No one wants to be deceived.  Most in the media chose to do parlor tricks in exchange for a pat on the head.  The betrayal of the press has played a large role in the transformation of our country.  We are on the path to becoming the very type of oppressive government which led to the American Revolution.  The press has aided the administration in its attempt to undermine the United States.  By not delivering the truth to the people, they became an accomplice.

We are far from being out of danger.  There are many progressives who are hiding in the shadow of an elephant.  A progressive is a progressive no matter which party they claim.  I am encouraged and I want to believe that we will restore our nation.  People are beginning to discover that the progressive agenda is ultimately a socialist/communist agenda. 

No matter how the election would have ended, there were reasons for concern.  If the Democrats would have remained in power, we could have easily expected the transformation to continue at lightning speed.  The American people slammed on the breaks, but don’t get too comfy.  The American people just poked a bear.  This election conveys an inconvenient truth.  Don’t think for a moment that the president is going to play the lame duck and kick back for the next two years.

A narcissist does not like to be questioned or challenged.  In his mind, he is the center of the universe. Any one attempting to disprove his position becomes an immediate threat.   Life becomes just a wee bit dangerous.  The term ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ is child’s play to a narcissist.  If you thought you were in danger prior to knocking him off center, challenging his authority allows you to feel the cross hairs.  A narcissist is capable of confidently lying while he looks you in the eyes.  Some are even capable of smiling as they knowingly deceive.  A narcissist will blame everyone but himself and conspire to destroy those who dare to defy him.  The only thing worse than defying a narcissist, is surviving his attack.

Our battle to reclaim our country has taken on a new form.  The narcissist in the White House doesn’t like being challenged.  I have no doubt he will attempt to steamroll his way through the next two years in his effort to fundamentally transform America.

All citizens along with our politicians, including the president, need to follow the rules.  There is a right way and a wrong way to get things done.  You wouldn’t let someone join a card game and allow him to re-write the rules for his benefit.  You wouldn’t let that individual pick and choose which rules he wants to follow or when he wants to follow them.  If rules need to be changed, there are proper procedures to follow.  They are outlined in the instruction manual.  But, that’s another inconvenient truth.  We have much more at stake than a wager in a card game.  Our lives, our freedom, and our very existence depends on how we manage the gift we’ve been given.

“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president?  Then argue for your position.  Go out there and win an election.  Push to change it, but don’t break it.  Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building.  That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.”

President Obama

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