We The People

We The People

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013
The Doors of History

By Tammy Derouin
If anyone doubts America’s exceptional status in the world, I highly recommend taking a walk through an antique shop.  The advances Americans have made are nothing short of amazing.  What was it that propelled one nation above and beyond all the rest?  The answer was and always will be freedom.
Take a look back in time and you will find objects and tools that were once the latest in technology.  Each generation made advances that helped inspire creativity.  Telling an American they couldn’t do something would only fuel the individual’s determination to make it happen. 
I had the opportunity to walk through an antique mall recently.  It’s been awhile since I last enjoyed a walk through the doors of history.  Something was different this time. Instead of skimming over the booths, looking for particular objects of interest, I was captivated by the whole atmosphere.  Objects that I may have overlooked in the past drew me in for a closer look.
An antique shop is a museum for American artifacts.  These unique museums allow you to touch and purchase objects from the past.  Pick up a clothing iron from yesteryear and you won’t mind spending the little time it takes to press your clothing. 
I did however, find myself getting slowly irritated.  The more I meandered through the shop, the more my head began to throb.  Hard as I tried, I couldn’t get the irritating voice of America’s number one critic, our own president, out of my head.  This is not how I wanted to spend my Sunday afternoon, swatting a voice like my grandmother used to swat flies on a hot summer day.  If I’m going through the doors of history, I can’t neglect my own history now can I?  She had a good arm too; it may have had something to do with that iron.
It wasn’t long before his voice actually had me smiling. This time I had the smug look on my face and I won’t apologize.  We have a president who apologizes for everything American.  There’s no better place than an antique mall to see how far we, as Americans, have advanced not only our country but the world. 
The irritating tone of his voice and his unbelievable proclamation, “You didn’t build that,” was heard at every booth.  It was an outrageous attempt to change history.  Having so many examples at my fingertips had me wishing I could find a fly swatter.
I envision a parade in Washington D.C. with every participant carrying something that was built by an American who dared to dream.  A fly swatter could be held in everyone’s left hand.  It could symbolize that we will swat away the president’s attempt to not only change our history but to downplay the importance of American ingenuity.  Of course, the swatter could also symbolize what the progressives are successfully doing to our country.  They’re swatting away our individualism, self-reliance, our one nation under God and liberty.
Freedom of speech is a two-way street.  If American citizens can proudly display their accomplishments, it’s only fair to allow the government to show off what they’ve created.   I’d let them bring up the rear.  After all, that’s where they’re supposed to be, behind the citizens, encouraging them not swatting the life out of them.
I visualize floats representing what the government has created.  Such things as endless debt, entitlement programs, high unemployment, open borders and enemy infiltration within the government.  The ideas seem endless.  We could even have a banner to distinguish the difference between what Americans built and what the government created, just in case government Truthers are in the crowd.   How does, “FORWARD” grab you? 
A parade wouldn’t be complete without someone pushing the broom.  An American would represent all Americans, cleaning up the waste from U.S. Federal Inc.  Waste is the only product produced by the government.  Only the government, with funds provided by the people, could manufacture and distribute a product which nobody wants.  And if you don’t want their load of…, I mean product, they’ll fine you. 
It’s no accident the president chose “forward” to represent his platform.  He continues to push forward and uses the press to visually send messages that we should “lean forward.”   By keeping us distracted with the constant need to move forward, we aren’t able to fully focus on the destruction his campaign has already caused. 
There’s only one system of government that makes the population completely dependent upon the government, communism. Those who dare to speak or act as individuals are swatted down.
What will the next generation find when browsing through an antique shop?  Whatever book, newspaper or outlawed artifact it is, they will ask, “Why didn’t they see this coming?”
“As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle silence.”
Benjamin Franklin

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